New Open Source Job Board on


今天 Open Source Hong Kong 推出新版的開源招聘網站,免費讓尋找開源專才的公司和開源專才使用。只需要招聘條件包括懂得其中一項開源技術便可。新版本招聘網站系統軟件亦是以開放源碼免費公開,可供各公司團體自由使用。

Today, we are pleased to announce new job board service on Open Source Hong Kong.

In February, we started a job board to promote job openings from companies, which is aimed to help the growth of open source developers and users in Hong Kong, and help companies to look for candidates with open source skill sets.

The job board service is free of charge for potential candidates and employers, and job posts should fulfill the following requirements.

1. open source skill is one of job requirements in your job opening.
2. prove of existence of your business, eg. Business Registration number / certificate copy should be provided for new companies..

New job board software is developed by Sammy Fung (me! :)) and released as free and open source on GitHub. If you like this job board software, make donation to software author or look for support service of the software, please contact with author (me!).

About Sammy Fung
