What’s new in BarCamp Hong Kong 2008

Starting from 3 days before BarCamp HK 2008, I started to help its promotion and posted the event information on Drupal Hong Kong group, opensource.hk, OAKA & Linux The Gathering mailing lists, and facebook. It is targeted to invite Drupalers and Linux/FOSS friends.

barcamp Hong Kong 2008

I was wearing my T-shirt from offical Pythong foundation store online, insteads of any my love England Premier football jersey. Originally I want to wear a Manchester United FC jersey labelled with Hargreaves #4 to BarCamp, but I still didn’t buy it yet. (Explain later why I would like to get this jersey and love MUFC)

I also introduced myself as “Sammy Fung… Linux, Drupal, Basketball.” in barcamp style.

Drupal in BarCamp!

It is first time to have a topic about Drupal in BarCamp Hong Kong. It is a good start for HK Drupalers. We got >20 people to attend this 45-min long Drupal session in BarCamp HK.

I think Drupal is the best open-source CMS along all PHP and Python CMSs at this moment!

Yes! some python content frameworks likes Django or Pylon are great too. I didn’t study on it yet, but I think it is not suitable to compare Django and Drupal. Because I guess django is somewhat lower abstract layer in CMS, easier for programmer to make simply and smaller piece of codes to get CMS work (in developer’s view), but Drupal is aim for a easier implementation and deployment to user, ease of use (in user’s view).

Fairly to say, I likes to coding in python more than in PHP. :-p

But its ‘node’ concept is the scalable thing to attract me to try and use Drupal. All content types are linked to its node system. And taxonomy of Drupal keeps easier and simply catalogues of content, or you can use it for free keyword tagging.

It is my pleasure that Edison Wong got our event news from Drupal group, and he talked Drupal 6 theming in BarCamp today. And John Britton introduced about Knight Drupal Initiative before Edison’s talk. Thanks for both of your sharing.

And we are happy to forming Hong Kong Drupal User Group today, and Edison created the facebook group. Let’s join us now, all HK drupalers!

I look forward to our upcoming offline events and next show in barcamp HK.

Other news in BarCamp

So, what are news in BarCamp HK 2008 with compare to 2007 ?

  • Creative Commons – CC in Hong Kong will be launched offically in October 2008.
  • Making iPhone apps – Newly released iPhone 3G makes developers are hot to develop iPhone apps.
  • Augmented Reality – with open-source software, credit to Ben Lau.

And lastly we should thank

  • Organisators: Napoleon, Aaron, Belle, Ben Lee (many Ben I know in same community), and others I may missed. I think I should actively help Ben Lee earlier next year.
  • Sponsors: Turner for nice/big venue and brewed coffee (I like this), Doodaz for T-shirt, Adobe for another $20 T-shirt, Drinkazine, hkday.net (for your free beers, do it again next year! thanks Ben), Outblaze for lunch, and other sponsors.
  • Our local open-source software community!!!: Ben Lau, Ben Lee, Ben Cheng, Karl and his friends, Zheng Le, Wily Yuen, Edison and other HK Drupalers, Roger, Hilary, Thomas Lau, Henry Law, Wong Hang, Chris Chan, Jacky See, …. (sorry if I missed your name here.) Thank you for your participate, and some of you pay attention to my last-minute call to this event.
  • Surely some of our event organisators and barcamp friends with open-source background: Ben Lee, Aaron Farr (Apache), Steve Fleischer, Richard Cohen.
  • Other speakers.
  • and all participants! (It makes we got >200 attendees)

What I should apologise ?

  • I should prepare a small and simple Drupal or Python talk but no time for me to prepare for it. (Actually I wrote a old 10-page slides about basic Drupal module development on March, but it was my notes, so it look likes a manual. I don’t want to do presentation like a documentation reading machine. XD)
  • My late show up to promote it to our local community, just a 3-day advance notice. Sorry to barcamp and OSS. (Otherwise Karl will repeat this again: Why didn’t you invite me to xxx ? XDDD, just like he missed Debian birthday party Hong Kong, haha!)


BenLauPedia: 今年在Barcamp講的題目

Gull Blog – barcamp hong kong 2008 完成!

d. otted rhythm – ’tis barcamp again!!!

Digital Anthology – BarCamp Hong Kong 2008, A Great Event Experience!

網絡暴民 – Barcamp HK 2008

BenCrox – BarCamCamp

Reality – BarCamp Hong Kong 2008

Belle – Reflections on BarCamp Hong Kong 2008

來可講可學的 BarCamp 香港 2008 交流

今晚少有地沒有街頭籃球打,又剛好是每月一次的 Web Wedensday 聚會,加上主題是 Creative Commons,便去了蘭桂坊碰碰運氣,看看會否遇見想見的人。

想見的人卻碰不上,但至少也會遇上和本地開源社群有關的人,如 Haggen,Roger,Ben Lee,Ben Cheng 等。今天Ben Lee 在這 blog 上留言,找我幫手在本地開源社群再發一次有關星期六 BarCamp 香港的活動,今晚當然他也有追問。雖然目前向本地開源社群發訊並不容易,但 BarCamp 活動是目前對本地開源社群算是一項大活動,我也忙著試試幫手傳出去吧。Ben Lee 也希望我能用中文來發放,希望可以吸納多一些說中文的華人出席。

上次我以英文來 blog 有關今年 BarCamp,這篇我用回中文了。

BarCamp 有甚麼主題?

基本上全球的 BarCamp 活動是一個反傳統的研討會,不會預訂研討題目,題目只會在當天由參與者到場後提出。但話需如此,部份有興趣演說的參與者也會預先準備題目,我也聽聞以下兩個。

  • 微M車欠公司將會有代表到場說開放源碼(open-source),我們本地開源社群也會起碼有 DR 代表出馬回應,這題目可能會在早上時段進行。(用好明顯的暗號比較好 :p)
  • Ben Lau 也帶一點神秘地準備和 open-source 有關的一個題目。

在多月前,我打算安排有關 Drupal 題目,不過在沒有時間準備和邀請其他本地 Drupalers 下,我多數不會演說這題目了。

除了以上兩個題目外,還會有 Web 技術、開放技術、創業、軟件開發、網絡文化等等題目。同一節講題的講者不一定是一個人,你也可以邀請其他人和你一起講、或討論該題目。

BarCamp 的目的

我覺得 BarCamp 是一個交流活動平台,讓你和各參加者可以去講自己較善長的技術或經驗,又可以讓你和各參加者學習不同的技術或經驗。

正如大會的口號 - 來、講、學,“來”是希望你能來到出席,“講” 是希望你盡可能講(但不一定要),“學” 是你和各參加者也可以一起學習。

BarCamp 歷史

BarCamp 自2005年在加州矽谷首度舉行以來,於短短三年間,啟迪了全球各地燃起由用家發動會議的熱潮。這是一系列開放、自助參與的工作坊,題材均由參與者自行準備,時常觸及嶄新的網絡應用鶵形、開源科技、社群訊息協議,以及開放數據格式。


2008 年香港 BarCamp

今年,我們預期會有超過200人,來到鰂魚涌太古坊,濠豐大廈30樓,特納國際亞太有限公司(即持有Cartoon Networks和CNN新聞的TBS集團亞太支部)的會場,參加整天的活動。




記得先上 facebook 登記!!!

BarCamp 香港 : 來 ‧ 講 ‧ 學!


BenLauPedia – 準備好Barcamp的短講題目

Ben Crox on Blog – Barcamp HK – All the way

開放源碼在香港 – BarCamp 香港 2008

belleliu.com – BarCamp Hong Kong 2008

Jonathan 敗家手記 – MobileRadio.hk 成為國際性研討會 BarCamp 2008 唯一認可轉播機構

Billibala – Last quarter of the year

Cubicle Muses – BarCamp Hong Kong this Saturday!

Web Wedensday HK – Barcamp HK 2008 – Grass Roots Internet Event

鳩扑 Gull Blog – barcamp2008, to be or not to be?

香港獨立媒體 – 可講可學的 BarCamp 香港 2008(小兔黑黑)

BarCamp HK 2008 is coming

I got this news from facebook message today, Napoleon announced the date and venue of next BarCamp HK event.

It will be held on 9th August (Saturday) in Quarry Bay, which is hosted by a international media company.

BarCamp HK 2008!

Date: 9th August, 2008 6th September 2008, Saturday (Moved to new date)
Venue: 30/F, Oxford House, Taikoo Place, Quarry Bay.

Hosted by Turner International Asia Pacific, famous for Cartoon Networks, CNN, TIME and Fortune.

There will be five large conference rooms, two lounge areas, a coffee room and a bar. Free wifi is also provided.

If you’d like to help/participate in the event, please contact with any one of barcamp coordinators on facebook or wiki.

If the status of my project on a Drupal module (not released yet) achieved a milestore successfully, and I brave to give a talk on my project :p , I will talk about it in barcamp.


BarCamp Hong Kong on BarCamp wiki and Facebook.