香港 WordCamp 2009 的一點遺漏

雖然昨天是星期日,但仍一早起床去科學園參加香港 WordCamp。透過之前的義工小聚,向香港聯絡人 Bonnie 了解過籌備過程,我覺得這次 WordCamp 已算是辦得不錯了。

有關香港 WordCamp 的基本情況,或許我留待在 LinuxPilot 雜誌上說吧,但我想說說較少出席者會知道的情況吧,分別是中文翻譯和一個樂譜插件。

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WordCamp is coming to Hong Kong

Two weeks ago, Sheta metioned WordCamp is coming to Hong Kong, I checked the web page to get registered immediately when I was working at Starbuck. WordPress is a favourite open-source blog software used by bloggers who own a domain for it, and a lot of plugins are contributed by OSS developers to extend its functionality. WordCamp is a conference organisated by WordPress creator, to invite bloggers, WordPress users, WordPress developers to exchange ideas. WordPress creator Matt Mullenweg will be one of speaker in WordCamp Hong Kong.

This blog – was migrated to wordpress from serendipity, and I published a article on Linux Pilot about writing a simple wordpress plugin. WordCamp HK is also the first international OSS conference held in Hong Kong, so I join it. Details of first WordCamp Hong Kong are the following. Date: 5th April 2009, Sunday. Time: 10am – 3pm (Reception open at 9am) Venue: HK Science Park. Fee: HK$25 (HK$10 for early-bird registration) It looks for bloggers, WordPress users, WordPress developers in Hong Kong and Guangdong to participate and exchange your ideas with Matt, wordpress community and users. Your comments to local blogosphere and wordpress is invaluable to wordpress and local blogosphere. It is a good chance to share what WP plugins you used or developed. You are welcome to forward this news to others.


兩星期前 Sheta 提到香港 WordCamp 來了,當時坐在星巴克工作的我,二話不說即時登入網站登記了。

WordCamp 是一個任何有關開放源碼網誌軟件 WordPress 的會議,普通使用者以至核心開發者也無任歡迎出席。

WordPress 是一個本地自設獨立網址的 bloggers 最常使用的網誌軟件,而也有不少開源軟件開發者透過編寫不同插件,把 wordpress 的功能不斷擴充。

Continue reading WordCamp來臨香江