Randy Pausch: The Last Lecture

I attended a seminiar delivered by Lucifer Chu today at City University of Hong Kong. Thanks for Lucifer’s speech, Creative Commons HK (the organisator) and other co-organistors and supporting organisations.

The first surprise is that, in local community activities, I don’t surprise to meet three Ben and other people I known there, but surprisingly I met my classmate at technical college, and Ben met one of his student.

The second surprise is that, Lucifer delivered a good speech which is better than and out of my expectation. Because we thought it was sth. like introduction to his project from the title of seminiar, but Lucifer told why and how he make this project.

Maybe some of attendee knew his background and some information provided by Lucifer in the seminiar from his blog/other web sites, but I didn’t know about him and any of these content.

From reasons and road he walked to work out OOPS, he played a number of short videos on his slides with added.

One of these videos I mostly impressed is a few-mins-long summerized version of “The Last Lecture” by Randy Pausch, who is CS professor and founder of Alice project. He has been diagnosed with terminal pancreatic cancer, which expect a remaining 3-6 months of good health.

Quotes from “The Last Lecture”:

  • “How you can achieve yours dreams and enable the dreams of others”
  • “Brick walls are there for a reason. They let us prove how badly we want things.”


About Sammy Fung


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