香港機場匯豐銀行櫃員機因 IE Error 而死機


話說上午在香港機場某台匯豐銀行櫃員機,密碼正確入了主菜單,一秒後 pop-up windows Internet Explorer 錯誤 force close,當掉了!出國唯一一張信用卡也卡在內。在趕時間 checkin,還要在機前等了十分鐘打熱線找幫忙,最後要我報失信用卡。

「向該行報失一張並沒有遺失的信用卡,而是一張被該銀行櫃員機當機 hold 著不能進出的信用卡」

上圖是模疑當時 HSBC 匯豐銀行櫃員機的畫面,當時看到這畫面真的很無奈,你那兒有滑鼠讓我幫你 close box,或是左右兩排及數字盤能讓我「先取回的的卡」?

本來出發去台北 conference 演講前,打算 check 戶口和看看海外提款設定,所以這故事說明,不能太信任銀行系統的穩定性,用了廿年匯豐都沒有聽聞過會這樣當機而卡了,也沒有聽聞過「原來匯豐櫃員機也有 IE 啊!」 (還要會 IE Error!)。

一邊在機場櫃位辦理 check-in,一邊在手提電話繼續跟匯豐信用卡熱線談,要我辦理報失信用卡。最可憐的是,我用這唯一的信用卡訂機票酒店,如果航空公司或酒店 check-in 時,要求我出示這張信用卡就很麻煩了,隨時沒房睡,或是留在外國機場。

當然,也不能在海外用信用卡購物或提款,而只能用手上有限的港幣台幣現金來過六天。還要回港後,等新卡和新密碼分別寄來,處理更改多間公司的自動付款,還要親身處理該月因信用卡失效而未能付款的帳單,還有不斷更改一些網上服務和 Verified by VISA。一個人能記得用了一張信用卡在那些服務嗎 ?


When I use ‪#‎HSBC‬ ATM at Hong Kong International Airport this morning, suck ‪#‎Windows‬ Internet Explorer error force close was popped up, and windows hanged! Card was still in the reader. So, I spent additional 10 minutes to call hotline for help and they force me to report loss of my credit card, the only one I bring to travel. ‪#‎ihatewindows‬

CS forces me to report the loss of my card, the card I didn’t really loss it, but just stuck in the ATM.

Above picture is simulating the screenshot of the ATM when my card is stuck in at its  hanged system. Do you have a mouse for me to help you to close the dialog box ? or which key on left/right of the screen and keypad could help me to “take back my card” ?

Before I depart to Taipei to speak at a conference, I just want to check my bank account and oversea cash withdraw setting, so this story tells us, don’t over trust the stability of banking system. I used HSBC for 20 years, but I didn’t hear about “ATM hanged in this way” and “Oh! IE is running at HSBC ATM!” (as well as IE Error!).

So, when I was checking in at airport counter, I was also talking with HSBC Credit Card Hotline CS on mobile phone, she requests me to report the loss of my card. The most pity is that I ordered my air ticket and hotel room with this credit card. If air company or hotel request me to show this card, it will be in trouble. And the worst case that I have no hotel room for staying or staying at oversea airport.

And I also can’t purchase and withdraw in oversea, and just use limited HKD and TWD cash for 6 days in Taipei. And after I go back to Hong Kong, I wait for few days to receive my new credit card and password, and then I should change credit card autopay for some bills, and pay in cash for all bills this month after the credit card become invalid.

Before this happens, I didn’t believe such bad services happenings at HSBC services.

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About Sammy Fung


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