After BarCampHK 2009

It is another year of a successful barcamphk again!

CNN Go is the first session I joined at barcamp this year, Daisy was curious why I was there. CNNGo is another case study of drupal implementation, so few local drupalers were in.

Then, I joined D (a programming language) presented by Alan Knowles, a PHP developer I known for over 10 years. We didn’t meet each others since his PHP talk at HKLUG few years ago. It is my first to look at D, thanks Alan.

After lunch, first public announcement of gogogo project is presented by Ben Lau, our PIC! XD I am one of developers, and I am responsible to write python codes for “data processing” purposes in gogogo project.

I would like to attend Drupal (by dalin?) talk, but the session was changed to same time of gogogo project, so I missed it. ><

My Thoughts on my 3rd barcamphk

  • No wifi access: although internet access is available for speaker’s computer with Cat.5 cabling at each rooms. But it is a bit difficult for me to prepare, lucky I got offline copies of my slides and video file.
  • Overlapping of interesting topics: I don’t know why topics I am interested are overlapped, I just pick one of them, or walk between few rooms. And those I’m not interested are also overlapped, so I slipped to pantry area.
  • I considered to speak for a topic each year, but I never did it. It is a good start for me this year, at least I got a topic (gogogo) which I should be one of speakers, but we passed all to Ben. And last year I promoted barcamphk to drupalers in drupal HK group, and they did presentation. I hopes I will finally present a topic in Cantonese with English slides next year!
  • Last word, barcamphk is always awesome!

Beers – I never miss it!

I never miss free beers after barcamp each year, and I took 2 bottles quickly before I attend family dinner at night.

Other blog posts by other barcampers

Ryanne Lai –  thoughts on my third barcamp (Thanks for photo!)
Aaron Farr – BarCamp HK 2009
Alan Knowles – Barcamp Hong Kong 2009
Web Wedensday – Barcamp HK 2009 – Grass Roots Internet Event (and more blog posts by others are linked to here!)

About Sammy Fung
