e-newsletter #1 of Hong Kong Open Source Conference 2013


香港開源年會 2013 電子報 #1
e-newsletter #1 of Hong Kong Open Source Conference 2013

2013/10/19 (六) Saturday 9am-6pm
香港城市大學邵逸夫創意媒體中心 4/F
4/F Run Run Shaw Creative Media Centre, City University of Hong Kong.

大會網站 Conference Website: http://opensource.hk/2013

(English version is available after Chinese version)


近三十位來自香港、台灣和日本的講者,將會在 10/19 一天三軌的會議上,為預期超過 200 位出席者作演講。今年主題 Open Web、Open Source、Open Data,早前我們公佈了從 CFP 接納的講題和講者名字,我們剛剛也把各講題的介紹和講者的資料放在大會議程網頁上,並透過這三星期的電子報,介紹部份講題和年會最新消息。以下是議程網頁。


我們希望你能把這份 e-newsletter 發給你的朋友和同事,邀請他們出席年會,你的參與也能幫助年會。

今期電子報主要介紹 Open Web 的講題。

金贊助商 Rackspace 介紹

我們很高興 Rackspace 成為我們今年大會的金贊助商,並贊助傍晚交流時間的飲品小食。

Rackspace是 一間開放式雲端公司,提供開放式技術,為全球超過205,000個客戶提供支援。Rackspace為其一系列資訊科技產品,包括公共雲、私有雲、混合雲 及企業級托管服務提供為人熟悉的熱誠支援(Fanatical Support®)。Rackspace 給予客戶選擇權、彈性和選擇供應商的自由。Rackspace 獲 Bloomberg BusinessWeek 選為全球百大最佳表現科技公司之一,同時獲財富雜誌評為全球百大最佳工作場所的公司之一。Gartner亦在其“2012 Magic Quadrant for Managed Hosting” 中,向Rackspace頒發領袖者稱號。Rackspace 總部設於美國德克薩斯州聖安東尼奧 (San Antonio, Texas),於全球不同地區設有辦事處及數據中心。如欲了解更多資料,‪請瀏覽www.rackspace.com.hk‬‬‬‬‬ 。

15:00-15:30 M4001 課室

很久以前,開源軟件已提供加密軟件來保護你的私隱。GnuPG (GNU Privacy Guard) 是一個知名的開源加密工具。日本自由軟件協會 FSIJ 理事長新部裕先生 (Mr. Yutaka Niibe aka gniibe) 將會來到香港介紹 GnuPG,以及其協會開發的 Gnuk Token 硬件以及它的硬件設計 FST-01。



開源搜尋引擎框架 Elastic Search 介紹
12:30-13:00 M4004 課室

Elasticsearch 是一套開源搜尋引擎框架,它支援在分散系統環境裡進行 facet search 及實時分析﹐而且支援 Restful JSON,很容易跟網站及專業級後端系統整合。現實應用上,Sound cloud 和 Github 也採用 elasticsearch。Vincent Lau 會向大家介紹這套 Elastic Search 專案。



IndieWeb 運動的開源專案
12:00-12:30 M4004 課室

IndieWeb 是一場主張持有自己資料內容和身份的運動。開放和分散是 IndieWeb 的主要概念,並以一些 IndieWebCamp 活動來吸引全球開放源碼開發者來參與,共同創造 IndieWeb 的系統、工具和協定,來支持獨立萬維網 (independent webs) 的生態系統。Pili Hu 會在演講上介紹 IndieWeb 和講述以時間成本來看現有 IndieWeb 的工作。



(English version)

It is less than 3 weeks to the big day of 1st Open Source Conference in Hong Kong.

Around 30 speakers from Hong Kong, Taiwan and Japan will give presentations to over 200 participants at the 1 day 3 track conference on 10/19. Theme of this year is “Open Web, Open Source, Open Data”. Previously we announced topic titles with name of speakers on our agenda, and we just announced details of each presentations on our new agenda available on the following URL.


And we will introduce some topics and news of conference to yours in a number of e-newsletters in this 3 weeks.

We hopes you will re-distribute this e-newsletter to your friends and colleagues, and invite them to join the conference. Your participation is helpful to the conference.

This issue of newsletter is focus on Open Web presentation.

Introduction of Gold Sponsor – Rackspace

It’s grateful that Rackspace is a gold sponsor of HKOSC 2013, and sponsors the F&B at networking hour after closing session.

Rackspace® (NYSE: RAX) is the open cloud company and founder of OpenStack, the standard open-source operating system for cloud computing. Headquartered in San Antonio, Rackspace delivers its renowned Fanatical Support® to more than 200,000 business customers, from data centers on fourcontinents. Rackspace is a leading provider of hybrid clouds, which enable businesses to run their workloads where they run most effectively — whether on the public cloud, a private cloud, dedicated servers, or a combination of these platforms. Rackspace has been recognized by Bloomberg BusinessWeek as a Top 100 Performing Technology Company, and is featured on Fortune’s list of 100 Best Companies to Work For. For more information, visit www.rackspace.com.hk‬‬‬‬‬ .

Protecting your privacy with open cryptography device
15:00-15:30 Classroom M4001

Long time ago, GnuPG (GNU Privacy Guard) is a popular cryptography software which released as open source software. FSIJ President Mr. Yutaka Niibe aka gniibe will visit Hong Kong and introduce GnuPG and their products – Gnuk Token device and its hardware design FST-01.

(English presentation with English slides)


Introducing open source search engine framework
12:30-13:00 Classroom M4004

Elasticsearch is a open source search engine framework gaining traction. It supports facet search, real time analytics in distributed environment. It supports Restful JSON protocol and integration with it for website/ professional grade back end systems is never such easy. Sound cloud, Github are also powered by elasticsearch. Vincent Lau will introduce Elastic Search to us.

(English presentation with English slides)


IndieWeb Movement and Open Source Projects
12:00-12:30 Classroom M4004

IndieWeb is a recent movement about owning your own identity and your own data. The IndieWebCamp has already attracted open source developers world wide. Participants have created plenty of systems/ tools/ protocols to support the eco-system of independent webs. The main ingredients of IndieWeb are open and decentralized. Mr. Pili Hu would like to give an introduction to IndieWeb and survey the existing works depending on time budget.

(English presentation with English slides)


About Sammy Fung
