My iPhone 3G experience in first week

I got my iPhone 3G for a week, it is a time to blog my experiences in summary.

Web surfing and Emails

I surfs to my google reader on my travel with Safari, it saves my time spending on sitting in front of my Desktops to read news and blogs. Google mobile version will be shown automatically on my iPhone’s Safari, and few web sites (Plurk, facebook) provides mobile version with alternative URLs.

And I checks my primary email box and Gmail with default Mail application. I tried to send email out and finally configured two SMTP server setting – one is Three HK’s SMTP (use it at 3G network) and SMTP of my ISP in use at home (use it at home wifi network).

Blogging and IM

iPhone apps of wordpress and facebook are installed.

mini-blogging: twitter on Twittelator, plurk on Safari.

Palringo: Instant Messaging (my MSN and GTalk)

GPS on my iPhone 3G

I read Belle’s GPS experiences on her Phone 3G. Finally I tried GPS on my iPhone 3G on Saturday when I was travel on mini-bus, this is my first experience on GPS stuff.

I carried my GPS test on a highway, it took around 10-15 seconds to figure out my first position, and the blue point was moving accurately to show off my current position.

About Sammy Fung
