Mozilla organizes regional events every year for staff and volunteers, to exchange their ideas and present work progress.

I attended my first Mozilla event last year in Singapore, and events this year are merged into one single summit which happens in Santa Clara, Toronto and Brussels on October 4-6. I was assigned to Santa Clara.

In the morning of first day summit, we watched opening delivered by Mitchell Baker delivered in Brussels, Firefox OS in 2014 and Beyond and I also walk around in other sessions after afternoon breaks everyday.
I would like to write everything happens in Santa Clara but it will be too long, so I write a highlight as summary first.

HTML5 and javascript
Shumway is the demonstration on stage which makes big impression to me. I think that it is a good example of power of javascript. Shumway is a flash player written in javascript, and they plays candy crush and doom in a doom in 50fps! it is not stable in this way so it is only available and release in Firefox extension module.

Mozilla Reps vs User Groups
It is my first meet with my Mozilla Rep mentor Robert ‘Bob’ Reyes at beginning of the summit, and I attended Mozilla Rep session at afternoon open session.
Mozilla Rep programme supports local communities with budget, swags. Mentorship system helps new Mozilla Reps such as me, if we have questions to organize local community.

Regional Communities and localization
To introduce Hong Kong community, I applied a booth at country fair. I printed thousands of stickers and distribute some at the booth, and I prepared a slide with pictures to introduce the history and works in Hong Kong community to other Mozillians.
I joined l10n group discussion of 20 people including Mozilla community manager Arky, volunteers from MozTW community and staffs from Mozilla Taiwan office. We discuss future planning of localization in Taiwan. Although Taiwan and Hong Kong are different locales, but culture and mindset of people in Taiwan and Hong Kong are close to each others, so it’s helpful to HK community, and localization is a potential topic which attracts Hong Kong Internet users to participate and contribute in Mozilla community.
I look forward to meet Mozilla communities in next MozCamp again.
Good to read about your Mozilla Summit experiences Sammy. My best wishes for Mozilla Hong Kong community.