台灣開源人年會 COSCUP 2019

今年是我連續九年來台北參加台灣開源人年會 COSCUP 2019,而會議第一天就有第一次在COSCUP進行的香港議程軌,從CFP到這天都是由我全力主理,連同自己共有11位香港講者。而兩天的香港開源社群攤位,就很放心由Calvin現場全力主理。

在COSCUP 2019的HKOSCon香港社群軌和香港開源社群攤位



  1. 安排 Call For Proposals 和議程:CFP表格、宣傳CFP、審稿、與講者溝通安排。
  2. 旅費資助:還要從HKOSCon的budget預留萬幾元起給有需要旅費資助的講者。
  3. 主持議程軌:現場處理需要和問題。
  4. 就個別講者嘗試尋找特別訪問:基督教論壇報訪問Jeremiah


  1. 有足夠講者參與,還填到整軌節數爆滿而沒有lunch break。而且我對整體講者講題滿意度比計劃中為好。有能吸引台灣會眾的題目、有技術內容多的題目、有來自香港的題目、亦有不同背景的講者等(多元)。
  2. 在100+座位的課室內,沒有出現單位數入座的環節,最少也有廿人以上。亦有個別環節近乎滿座。
  3. 香港開源社群攤位設在門外,能作互補。引領聽講座會眾到攤位,引領攤位來眾到課室內。

我的講題:My Open Source Journey: Developer and Community



作為社群領袖,我分享如何開源社群能成為大眾的資產。從我如何成為開源社群領袖,學生時代從社群學習到甚麼。然後出來社會工作後,由我第一份工作的學習和經驗、到創業的經驗,把這些不同工作領域的經驗,讓我在近年回饋社群,創立HKOSCon和PyCon HK,一人同時執行商業/機構協商、銷售、議程、工作流程、財務、執行等多個工作崗位。亦分享近年我以「社群為先」的做法和難處,社群與商業的分別,以及人對金錢利益的想像和現實差距。最後,就說出我未來在社群中的轉變:例如減少以本地為先的貢獻、增加以技術、專案、目的為主的貢獻,從而嘗試平衡社群利益與個人利益。


【COSCUP 2019】基督教論壇報訪問翻譯語言科技資源


「八月17-18日在台灣科技大學舉行的「開源人年會」(COSCUP,開源open source意同開放原始碼),吸引台灣及海外使用開放原始碼的華人社群齊聚。17日有場由香港講員分享的全日講座中,其中一位香港威克理夫聖經翻譯會會員凱豐先生(Dr. Jeremiah Chung),特別介紹華文聖經翻譯語言科技資源「」,網站中有上百個相關軟體免費開放給華人社群使用,盼也成為協助華人基督徒參與宣教的工具。….」

科技打破語言障礙 Lingtransoft聖經翻譯軟體助華人宣教GO



I gave 3 presentations at COSCUP 2014. It’s my 4th year attending COSCUP in Taipei since 2011. Before the conference, I submitted a proposal at Call For Proposals period. My submitted proposal have been accepted by program committee, which is a 40-minute talk on “Scrapy and Django”.

Open Data should be created and provided by data provider, such as government departmentss and public companies, but unfortunately we are still disappointed to open data at some cities in the world in 2014. Therefore, we can only scrape data from websites in our own to gather useful data.

At the beginning of my presentation, I tells the audiences what is open data, and why should we have it. And then I introduces Scrapy – the open source software I used to scrape the web, and how to integrate it with Django web framework to store the collected data.

My modified slides for latter presentations in Hong Kong after COSCUP is available at my slideshare.


Later on, I agreed to introduce Mozilla Hong Kong community at MozTW Bird of Feather (BoF). I shared about the start of Mozilla community, the Firefox 1.0 Launch Party was the 1st Mozilla community event in Hong Kong, and my contribution starting from Firefox 3 Launch Party.


One day before my departure to Taipei, I decided to present a lightning talk on my open source project – a job board module for Drupal 7. It’s a drupal 7 module providing basic feature of a job advertisement website including multiple categories, RSS feeds for each categories, company information of posters, supporting anonymous posters. Thanks Dick to help to lineup and successfully registering my topic on the poster to  enrolling lightning talks.

I tried to add some gags and fun to raise the audience response, and it is good to have the response which is higher than my expectations, it is still surprising to me.


With Wan-leung’s full support on duty, HKCOTA applied a community booth, and successfully help us to generate more opportunities to communicate with new friends in Taipei.

I enjoys to participate COSCUP, miss Taiwan friends again and see you again next year.