First Think of Chrome OS

Google announced that Google Chrome Operaating System (FAQ) will be released as open-source software in second half of 2010.

A new Linux distro

Chrome OS is built on top of Linux kernel, in other words it is a new and lightweight Linux distribution. Chrome OS will be targeted at netbooks, it is expected to launch Chrome browser and get users onto web in a few seconds from startup.

Processors on netbooks are slower than notebooks and desktops. And getting to web easily and quickly is a purpose of netbook design.

After Chrome OS will be launched, I believes Chrome OS LiveCD will be developed by google or open-source community. It will be easier to introduce Chrome OS to desktop users.


All applications on the web

I think network device will be started immediately after a slim Linux kernel of Chrome OS is loaded to the memory. And a new lightweight windows system developed by Google will be started.

I think traditional applications will not be included in Chrome OS. And those applications will be excuted on web platform. Web apps are cross-platform applications, which can be executed on any browsers supported to open web stardands, even running on Windows, OS X, Linux, etc.

Will lighttpd be included in Chrome OS for local lightweight web server ? It can be used to provide web interace to user for local file access and system administration tasks.

In traditional operating systems, we got command-line interface for advanced system adminstration. Will web CLI be included in Chrome OS as well ? (or Web SSH/Telnet ?)

Chrome OS platform is different to traditional OS platform, I think Windows platform will not be replaced by Chrome OS quickly. It will wait for growth of web applications market-share.


Chrome OS screenshots

More alleged Chrome OS screenshots for your viewing pleasure” from engadget provides few alleged screenshots, it is difficult for me to think whether it is real or not.

If they are real, I think the UI improvement is still needed. “Folders” option is provided on toolbar, but it is difficult to show a number of files or sub-folders with toolbar.


Google Chrome Browser – Google Chrome: Redefining The Operating System

About Sammy Fung
