
說了很多年,今年我們終於「頂硬上」展開籌辦首屆香港開放源碼年會,將於 2013/10/19 舉行。舉辦年會的目的是讓香港及海外不同的開發者、貢獻者和用家,在香港發表和展示他們目前的成果,分享他們參與開放源碼的經驗,尋找改進和招募人手。並讓所有出席者能學習、了解香港和海外的開放源碼發展。

今年主題為 Open Web、Open Source、Open Data,年會將以一天多軌制來進行。

現在我們最後三天徵求講題 (Call For Proposals),歡迎香港及海外開發者及用家在 8/18 或之前投稿。



After we talked for many years, finally we started to organize first Open Source Conference in Hong Kong, it will be hosted on 2013/10/19. Purpose of the conference is that let different local and oversea developers, contributors and users, to announce and demonstrate their products and projects in Hong Kong, to share their experience of participating open source communities, looking for improvements and recruiting new project members. And let all participants to learn and know the development of open source in Hong Kong and the world.

Theme of this year is “Open Web, Open Source, Open Data”, it will be a 1-day multiple track conference.

Now, it is 3 days left to deadline of Call For Proposals, welcome all Hong Kong and oversea developers and users to submit proposals on/before 8/18.

In last 3 years, I and some of Hong Kong open source friends paid for our own air tickets and hotel fees, to visit COSCUP in Taipei with over a thousand participants. And from last year, I got other chances to join other oversea conference as well. It makes me feeling: in last 10+ years, many open source conferences are hosted in the world every year, why does the-city-of-global-conference Hong Kong not host any open source conference ? and then we must take flights to oversea to join any of them ?

That’s the reason why we organize a open source conference in Hong Kong.

About Sammy Fung
