Open Data Day 2014 Hong Kong Hackathon


At Open Data Day 2014, we, Hong Kong Creative Open Technology Association (HKCOTA) organize a hackathon to continue open data hacking works, and anyone who interested to open data can join and share their opinions on different open data they concern.


ODD HK Hackathon is started from 11 at The Good Lab’s new co-working space in Prince Edward, more than 20 persons joined and introduce the following open data projects they works on.

  1. Air Pollution Weather Map
  2. Census Exp
  3. Furniture Matching Database
  4. Financial Info
  5. Heritage On the Go
  6. LicenCheck
  7. Toilet Tour
  8. OD Drunk Tweet Filter


At 3pm, Bastien and Mart from ODHK started a ODD G+ Hangout with Taiwan (codefortomorrow) and China. And Project demonstrations were started from 5pm.


About Sammy Fung
