OpenDataHK second Hackathon – join us

Happy New Year 2014! 新年快樂! 🙂 My first post of 2014 at my blog is introducing a local open data event.

OpenDataHK is calling for participating of their 2nd hackathon now – OpenDataHK.make.02 will be hosted at The Good Lab on January 25-26 2014 (weekend), and catalyst night as pre-event meetup will be hosted at same venue on January 22 (Wedensday). No matter you are developer, journalists, citizens, you are all welcome to hack the open data, and share your ideas how should open data help to make your life better. To cover the venue cost, participants will be charged $60 and get your make.02 ticket (registration) at evertbrite asap.

I will bring my hk0weather and weather-related open data topics to catalyst night and make.02. Hacking open air pollution data is another interesting topic. Anyone who are interested to local and global open weather data or open air pollution data should join me. 🙂

OpenDataHK 現正邀請大家參加第二次 hackathon,OpenData.make.02 將於 2014 年 1 月 25-26 日 (週六、週日) 在 The Good Lab 好單位舉行。而 hackathon 前幾日 – 1 月 22日 (星期三),也會在 Good Lab 舉行 catalyst night 作為 pre-event meetup。不論你係 developers、journalists 或市民,你也歡迎來 hack 下 open data,分享你既 idea,點樣可以透過 open data 來改善你的生活。為了 cover 場地成本,每位參加者需付 $60,大家盡快到 eventbrite 報名拎張 make.02 入場票啊。

我也會帶我的 hk0weather 和氣象相關的開放資料題目來 catalyst night 和 make.02。我也有興趣hack開放空氣污染資料。任何朋友對開放本地及全球氣象氣象資料或開放空氣污染資料有興趣既都可以 join 我啊。 🙂

About Sammy Fung
