轉移 domains 去 Gandi

今晚從 GoDaddy 轉移幾個 domains 去 Gandi,決定轉移的原因是兩間價錢近乎相同,而且 Gandi 在某些服務比知名(?) 的 GoDaddy 好,而且 Gandi 還提供 API 供開發者使用。

Gandi 還免費提供 whois 資料的私隱服務。有別於 GoDaddy 額外收費的私隱服務,Gandi 的私隱服務仍然展示名字,但地址及電話則以 Gandi 地址和電話代替了。同時,Gandi 還提供免費的 anti-spam 用的 Gandi 電郵地址來取代和過濾電郵。

在轉移 domains 時,Gandi 會清楚地列出幾個 steps,來說明轉移過程在等甚麼。

Gandi 本身是一間來自歐洲,也跑去台灣開分公司,還有歐洲人長註台灣,對亞洲有一定了解。GoDaddy 用 ASP.net,而 Gandi 系統用 Linux 和 FreeBSD,還贊助和支持台灣及香港等地區的 open source 會議。那麼又多一個支持 Gandi 的理由。

Godaddy expiring domains in abnormal way

I just found today that one of my domains managed by godaddy was expired for over a month, and my domain is somehow “kidnapped” by a Chinese domain kidnapper this morning. I am trying to buy it back from domain kidnapper but it is not worth to take it back at higher cost.

In this experience, I found that Godaddy expiring domains in abnormal way. which is much different from past 20 years.

1. Godaddy always sends advertisement by email, so godaddy is filtered at my gmail and redirected to a sub-folder. So I missed its emails about my expired domain.

2. The most ridiculous thing is that, when the domain passed the expiry date (Jan 11), the DNS is still working for over a month?! So I was still receiving emails at my expired domain until this morning (Feb 24). The common sense in last 20 years for expired domains is that, DNS addresses should be temporary disabled/changed at registrar, and then web & email for expired domains are suspended in few days after domain is expired. But godaddy is no longer do this. So, I didn’t know that my domain is expired (and for a month ?!)

So, I think it is time for people to re-consider to move out from godaddy to other domain registrars.