Clockenflap 2014



It’s my first year to Clockenflap, because of Tenacious D! In last December, when Clockenflap asked on its facebook page which bands and musicians are fans interested, I proposed few and Tenacious D is my first proposal. So, oh my god, The D is coming to Hong Kong and Asia, oh, why don’t I go ? so, I got a ticket and The D is a must-watched band at Clockenflap 2014.



Clockenflap is a music festival which is good to looking for foreign musicans from US, Europe and Asia. And I found The Flaming Lips, Dan are interesting as well.

But I think premium tickets are not worth, first, fast queue is important but I don’t see I need fast queue on Sunday. And premium lounge is really suck, who will use that suck lounge ? why don’t combine it with VIP lounge ? I think organiser should consider what are buyer’s expectation.


Will I go Clockenflap again next year ? Probably yes, and musician lineup is important. And I suggest weekend ticket if they don’t change its premium services.

I recommends Clockenflap to my friends in Hong Kong and the world.

【香港食店】中環蘭桂坊 Hard Rock Cafe

中環蘭桂坊 Hard Rock Cafe 剛剛開張,這星期就因為阿 Paul 的演出,第一次去 Hard Rock Cafe。


Hard Rock Cafe 讓我回憶到我仍是小學生時,媽媽間中帶我去酒廊餐廳,一邊吃晚餐,一邊看酒廊歌手跟樂隊的 live 演出。Hard Rock Cafe 就是帶給我這種感覺。那時候的酒廊餐廳,唱的都是很舊的歌,偶然會有一兩首比較流行的歌。當年談不上喜歡,但感覺是輕鬆的。可是之後酒廊餐廳很快便消失了,很久也找回不到那種情境。

而現在的 Hard Rock Cafe,以我在入場前在門外排隊時所聽到的,和在店內等待阿 Paul 出場之時,我覺得若是我在店內一邊吃飯或是飲酒,一邊聽著歌手或樂隊的表演,感覺很好。

本身我很少去酒吧,有次跟一群 blogger 朋友去了酒吧,第一次飲了兩大杯 Hoegaarden 啤酒。這次在 Hard Rock Cafe,我也是飲了一大杯 Hoegaarden 啤酒。以阿 Paul 這次 show – $150 for 2 drinks 來說,價錢比我想像中算是合理的。
Continue reading 【香港食店】中環蘭桂坊 Hard Rock Cafe